ATLANTIC Direct Mobile Banking is a service available 24 hours a day, which allows you to make various banking operations convenient, fast and secure as if in a ATLANTICO answering point.In ATLANTICO Direct Mobile can:• Consult balances, movements, NIB, IBAN and SWIFT.• Establish and make reinforcements in time deposits.• Consult details of credit facilities.• Schedule and perform Account transfers (any currency) and interbank (national currency).• Load the balance of the mobile phone and pay the energy bill, water, television, internet, among others.• Order or request cancellation of checks in case of loss.• Consult the exchange rate.• Cancel cards in emergencies (lost / stolen).• Validate operations by SMS Token.• Making the Login PIN or Fingerprint (only player with devices).• View operations timeline.• Creating and using favorites transfers and utility payments.• Customize the home page.• Send proof of transfer and payment by email.• And much more...For more information about ATLANTICO Direct advantages visit or contact us via Direct Center (+244923168168 or +244,460,460).